Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Obama continues his crooked cronyism deals.

I havn't written anything in this blog for quite some time. I write letters to the editor of the local paper but seldom get one published because he still loves Obama. As far as I'm concerned
Obama is the worst thing that has happened to America since 911 & the destruction of the twin
towers. He has been & is the worst President we've ever had and the Democrat controlled Senate gives him everything he wants. He hates America and his agenda is to destroy it as we have known it. I really believe he is not even eligible to be President. The birth certificate he finally presented has been proven to be fraudelent, even the man who devised it says it is a fraud. His cronyism deals, Solyndra, Saga, Bright Source, Tonopah and others have cost us taxpayers $6.5TRILLION. And now CBS says they have found 11 more Solyndra like deals. He has saved his cronies, big campaign donors and & bundlers billions.
Obama is a champion liar. Before he was elected snopes.com credited him with 52 lies and now the list is well over 200.
I'll admit that Obama "inheirted" a troubled economy. But everything he has done has made it worse. He has used Keyneasian economics in spite of the fact that there is not one instance of Keyneasian economics EVER WORKING.
After taking an oath to "defend the Constitution against all dangers foriegn and domestic" he has
trampled it at every opportunity. Even Obamacare is unconstitutional!
I believe Americans are starting to realize that he is totally INEPT. In fact in the New Webster's
dictionary there is a new word to describe America, INEPTOCRACY. BHO MUST BE 1 TERMER. America cannot survive another 4 years of his socialistic agenda!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm old and tired.

Have you ever been glad you are old or getting old----I am. The world is going to hell in a big hurry. Unrest is rampant. Seems every body wants more freedom than they have presently. People have allowed bad leaders to practically enslave them. Muslims living in non-muslim countries still want Sharia law. I guess they don't consider stoning adulterers as cruel and inhuman. In fact I don't understand how anybody who has a brain that still works can believe in a religion "invented" by a man who was illiterate. Mohammad didn't write the Quran, he dictated it to someone who could read and write. He talked to Allah during the auras that followed his epileptic siezures. I also have trouble believing Jesus was the son of GOD. And that raises the question who was or is GOD. It is possible that GOD was a space alien and that humans were developed by them by their manipulating the DNA of Chimpanzees----they are close to man genetically. But who put the chimps on Earth? I assume I will die never knowing the answers to all the questions in my mind. When my body dies does my "spirit" go to a paralell
world and is that the heaven Jesus spoke about?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I thought I knew just about all the "non-health" items hidden in the bill. But now I learn that also hidden was $105,000,000,000 to run Obamacare the first year. But what really irratated me was that Pelosi was given $6,000,000,000 and that is to be matched by the state of California, and that state is already bankrupt. It also upsets me that he death panels still exist.
Berwick who was nominated to run Obamacare has not been comfirmed by Congress and I hope he fails to ever be approved. He "loves" the English nationalized health system. Women with breast cancer and men with prostate cancer are not given chemotherapy. The death rates for those are several times what they are in America. There are so many things wrong about Obamacare, including being unconstitutional that it must be repealed.
Our national debt is over $14.5TRILLION and Obama wants the debt limit increased. I think he means to transform America into a bankrupt State. His popularity has fallen to 47%----this proves only that 47% of Americans are naive, stupid, or have their heads in the sand or inside their rectums. The "shortfall" for last month was more than the "shortfall" for any year that Bush II was president. Obama is an absolute economic IDIOT.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Obama moves to the center!!

If you really believe that Obama is moving to the center, I have a bridge I'd love to sell you. And it is the Brooklyn bridge. Obama is not moving off of his agenda of "transforming" America into a socialist State, he is just campaigning. He has realized that he can't accomplish his agenda in just one term. He is going to step up his lying rhetoric. If you thought he was lying before, just wait there are some real whoppers yet to be told. I think he believes that if you tell a lie often enough
people will start believing it, and some people will. But there are many of us who will not believe.
Our economy is NOT improving. America is still bleeding jobs except for government jobs. He would have you believe our inflation rate is 2% or less when it is really about 8.5%. Even McDonalds have raised their prices. Food prices are going up rather rapidly, and we have not seen the top yet. Inflation experts predict a can of coffee will cost $36 and the large Hershy bar will be $11-----shades of Germany years ago when you took a wheel barrow full of money to buy food. Obamacare will not save money and you won't be able to keep your doctor because he will
most likely retire. And if you are old and very ill, be ready to DIE.
Obama should be impeached and certainly MUST not be given a 2nd term.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Are you as fed up with Obama as I am?

I am so fed up with Obama I want to vomit when I hear his name. His state of the Union sounded more like a campaign speech. He would have you believe he is moving back to the center. That is just another lie. He still intends to "transform" America into a socialist State. His agenda is to first bankrupt America then convince us that socialism is the only way to go. And many liberals and young people not dry behind the ears yet will believe his bullshit. Our national debt is over $14Trillion now and he wants the debt limit raised. If we repaid our present debt at a rate of $200Billion per year it would take 7,000 years to repay it. We would still have to pay interest on the principal each year.
There is not enough money in the entire world to satisfy Obama. He absolutely has made paupers of our children and grandchildren. I believe he is a "closet Muslim" and his reaction to the crisis in Egypt enforces my belief.
The one thing Obama has proven is that Americans by and large are GULLIBLE and uninformed.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I believe Americans are awakening---too late?

I do believe the mood of the voters is changing, and I think the recent election results prove it. We are not happy with the changes Obama wants to make like taking control of 16% or more of the economy, shoving Obamacare down our throats, changing the financial and banking industry.
Transparency was promised but not given, Obamacare was not openly debated and he lied to the CBO about the cost of it. He is still pushing Cap and Trade in spite of there being no scientific
proof that CO2 has anything at all to do with global warming. In fact nobody has proven that global warming is even happening. The one thing he has accomplished is to bring America to the brink of bankruptcy. In fact we are bankrupt, we just have not admitted it yet. He in truth caused the Gulf oil spill then screwed up the cleanup. He did get a few photo ops there in between golf and basketball games. I hoped the new Congress will be able to reduce the spending, but then I realized he can and WILL rule by Executive Orders. Maybe Congress will have the balls to not fund his "projects". Obama's popularity is plummeting---even the liberals are unhappy with him. He might not even be the Democrat nominee in 2012. The best result of the recent election is we GOT RID of zany Pelosi as Speaker of the House.

Friday, September 10, 2010

America is in deep economic trouble.

Obama continues to spend money America does not have. Will he ever realize that Keynesian
economics does not work and has never been known to work. There is a television commercial that shows printing presses printing $20. dollar bills. They could be printing $100 bills and it still would keep up with his spending. Now he's talking about another stimulus. He wants to spend $50,000,000,000 fixing our highways and railroads. Of course that would have to be done by union laborers and thus is more payoff to those who were important in electing him to be President. He promised transparency---and he is the only thing in his administration that is transparent. It is very apparent that he hates America and is bound and determined to transform it into a bankrupt socialist country. Have you noticed that every bill enacted by Congress has something hidden in it that controls another aspect of our lives, the perfect example is Obamacare that took the private sector out of the student loan business. He reminds me of the guy who used to put 500 gallons of heating oil in my 350 gallon tank. His sister told me that he was so crooked that he had to screw his socks on each morning. Obama and his democratic henchmen in Congress MUST NOT be re-elected. If they are you can kiss America