Friday, September 10, 2010

America is in deep economic trouble.

Obama continues to spend money America does not have. Will he ever realize that Keynesian
economics does not work and has never been known to work. There is a television commercial that shows printing presses printing $20. dollar bills. They could be printing $100 bills and it still would keep up with his spending. Now he's talking about another stimulus. He wants to spend $50,000,000,000 fixing our highways and railroads. Of course that would have to be done by union laborers and thus is more payoff to those who were important in electing him to be President. He promised transparency---and he is the only thing in his administration that is transparent. It is very apparent that he hates America and is bound and determined to transform it into a bankrupt socialist country. Have you noticed that every bill enacted by Congress has something hidden in it that controls another aspect of our lives, the perfect example is Obamacare that took the private sector out of the student loan business. He reminds me of the guy who used to put 500 gallons of heating oil in my 350 gallon tank. His sister told me that he was so crooked that he had to screw his socks on each morning. Obama and his democratic henchmen in Congress MUST NOT be re-elected. If they are you can kiss America

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Is America becoming a police state?

A federal court in California (a state of fruits, flakes, and nuts) ruled that the feds can without a warrant or your permission enter your property and put a tracking device on your car or truck.
They have done this already and were able to follow a man to his marajauna farm. It seems your driveway is not private proerty.
If the federal government can do this, what might be next. I can imagine many things that would make me think I have lost my freedom. Thomas Jefferson said "when the people fear the government that is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is freedom". It is a fact that presently we have a President and a Congress that have no regard for our Constitution. Obama wants to transform America into a socialist country. He also intends to bankrupt America. The government now borrows 41 cents of every dollar it spends. He would have us believe the recession is easing----but we are still "bleeding" jobs. They tell us the unemployment
rate is 9.6%, but when those unemployed for a year or more are counted the true rate is 17.6%. If Cap and Trade is passed we will see the rate rise to 25%. And that was the rate during the "Great Depression". The bad news is, there is no good news. Hopefully after the November
election a conservative Congress can start turning things around. As Glenn Beck says Pray to God to save America.