Sunday, November 1, 2009

Obama is lying about our unemployment rate

The unemployment figures that Obama and his administration publish are LIES----they have excluded 8,000,000 people who have been jobless for a year or more. If you include those 8,000,000 the real unemployment rate is 16.4%
Where are the 5,000,000 jobs Obama promised to create. Maybe he needs to follow FDR's solution and revive the WPA and the CCC. Those people were good at leaning on their shovels. I know of one school built by the WPA that was practically falling apart before they finished it.

FDR tried various programs trying to end the 1930'' Depression but was never successful until we joined the English in WWII. He did this after Pearl Harbor. But you should remember we had broken the Japanese code----and FDR knew that Pearl Harbor was going to happen and did nothing to prevent the loss of part of our Navy and the loss of life inflicted on December 7 1941.

Obama is a narcissist and is showing signs of Paranoia. He must not be elected to a second term and our democrat idiots in Congress also must not be re-elected. This country is bankrupt thanks to them----we just haven't admitted it yet. Veep Biden says we must spend more money to avoid bankruptcy. WHEN YOU ARE IN A HOLE YOU SHOULD STOP DIGGING!!

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