Friday, November 20, 2009

Have had enough yet or do you still like Obama

Obama has been in office almost 10 months now and has succeeded in bringing the USA to the brink of bankruptcy. Even the Chinese are concerned about the money he has spent and intends to spend. Probably the fact that this country owes them something less than $2trillion is responsible.
And they know Obama will continue to spend money like a drunken sailor. Or maybe they have figured out that when his lips are moving, he is LYING. China is very concerned about our spending---they think our national debt might DOUBLE over the next decade. Our national debt divided evenly among our population amounts to$38,974.34 for every man, woman, and child. The interest on our debt is $5,00million per DAY!!!. Our debt as of 11/20/09 is $12.031,299,186,290. and rising----just 8 months ago it was $11trillion. Stimulus money was sent to 440 congressional districts that don't exist. $6.4billion were spent in these nonexistent districts to provide or "save" about 30,000 jobs. Money was sent to 875 congressional districts when in fact there are only 440.
That's almost $225,000 per job. $2million was given to the 99th district in North Dakota---now that is weird since N.D.has only 1 district. This administration wants to control health care---I will never believe that they are capable, and I think the above information proves they CAN'T.

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