And they know Obama will continue to spend money like a drunken sailor. Or maybe they have figured out that when his lips are moving, he is LYING. China is very concerned about our spending---they think our national debt might DOUBLE over the next decade. Our national debt divided evenly among our population amounts to$38,974.34 for every man, woman, and child. The interest on our debt is $5,00million per DAY!!!. Our debt as of 11/20/09 is $12.031,299,186,290. and rising----just 8 months ago it was $11trillion. Stimulus money was sent to 440 congressional districts that don't exist. $6.4billion were spent in these nonexistent districts to provide or "save" about 30,000 jobs. Money was sent to 875 congressional districts when in fact there are only 440.
That's almost $225,000 per job. $2million was given to the 99th district in North Dakota---now that is weird since N.D.has only 1 district. This administration wants to control health care---I will never believe that they are capable, and I think the above information proves they CAN'T.