Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm old and tired.

Have you ever been glad you are old or getting old----I am. The world is going to hell in a big hurry. Unrest is rampant. Seems every body wants more freedom than they have presently. People have allowed bad leaders to practically enslave them. Muslims living in non-muslim countries still want Sharia law. I guess they don't consider stoning adulterers as cruel and inhuman. In fact I don't understand how anybody who has a brain that still works can believe in a religion "invented" by a man who was illiterate. Mohammad didn't write the Quran, he dictated it to someone who could read and write. He talked to Allah during the auras that followed his epileptic siezures. I also have trouble believing Jesus was the son of GOD. And that raises the question who was or is GOD. It is possible that GOD was a space alien and that humans were developed by them by their manipulating the DNA of Chimpanzees----they are close to man genetically. But who put the chimps on Earth? I assume I will die never knowing the answers to all the questions in my mind. When my body dies does my "spirit" go to a paralell
world and is that the heaven Jesus spoke about?

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